Saturday, March 26, 2011

Matrix’s dissolution and the chain of Light

I want to be honest ….

Truly a whole world around us is dissolved.

Matrix is dissolved, while what we might watch out are but only the ashes and embers .

Shadows of old patterns that collapse.

Frankly If I wished to offer you a remedy or relief, I could utter a tale, a fiction story, but it’s the reality that eventually spells it itself .

As the words are grounded and always rooted upon our reality, perhaps years after, words and thoughts might fortunately be turning to be well established within the souls of men.

Our life carries many different experiences, and those who firmly grasp to this school of life ( or reality ), they will be having the chance to learn a lot.

So whatever we possibly desire to learn, here comes reality to articulate, narrate or even impose upon us (if there’s no will…), though she is the higher performer in our everyday life.

Reality was constructed by humans and possibly the material was offered by other non-human - resources, sometimes playing the role of designer, or architect, for many different reasons.

Whether someone senses Matrix ‘s dissolution , everybody is looking for wishful solutions, sometimes quite painful.

I ‘ ve been looking for solutions and answers, that happily arrive in my life in mysterious ways.

What I learned long time ago is to continue dreaming what is mostly lovable , even though many people around me are trying to convince me not to or pose obstacles not to make it.

I keep dreaming all the time …

Something enlightens my way to the opposite bank, where the source of positive thoughts reside.

It’s the source of pure inspiration and energy.

The Power of Thoughts is unchanged and we only know but a small part of this force.

Perhaps this little stock of energy sustains us as much as needed.

Would it be occult, if I state that hidden sparks of development are enveloped within our thoughts?

I know it's hard to convince someone who is experiencing upheavals, financial problems, suffering, failures and negativity, never stop trying to change his thoughts.

When the wave of desperation strikes you, mind struggles to survive.

On this planet, evolution and development is the result of collective cooperation and conciliation.

Basically collective unconscious prevails.

Humanity can be awakened and
evolved only but waking up in her dream .

If each one of us awakes and enlightens people , only then we can move forward to cleaner and brighter paths instead of walking in the darkness of vanity.

When you offer your hand to a chain of love to pass the message of life and awakening , Light will be passing to each other .

Stretch out your hands and never doubt for those who call you to join the chain of Light, because they are the ones who heard the Call.

Newsletter March 2011

"The Light of Dawn"

Katerina Kostaki

Spiritual author~ poetess


Friday, March 25, 2011

Παρουσίαση βιβλιου Γ. Τζιτζικάκη στο Παλατάκι Χαϊδαρίου

Δευτέρα 4 Απριλίου 2011 στις 20.00 ο Δήμος Χαιδαρίου μας τιμάει με μια παρουσίαση για το βιβλίο "Να μην ξεχάσω να ξυπνήσω" του συγγραφέα Γιώργου Τζιτζικάκη , που θα γίνει μέσα στο ιστορικό Παλατάκι.

Αποσπάσματα θα διαβάσουν οι ηθοποιοί Νικόλας Παπαγιάννης και Ηρώ Διαμάντη.
Μαζί μας η ποιήτρια Vennis Mak και η συγγραφέας Κατερίνα Κωστάκη.

Η βραδιά θα καλυφθεί μουσικά με τους Σταμάτη Σαββανή και τη Νατάσα Λυμπεροπούλου σε κιθάρα, πιάνο και φωνή.

Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου "Να μην ξεχάσω να ξυπνήσω" στο Παλατάκι Χαιδαρίου (Λεωφόρος Αθηνών 159) την 04 Απριλίου 2011 και ώρα 20.00.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.
We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions.

We call this Medicines of Light.

This is obviously related to current events unfolding in Japan, however, as future earth changes unfold, you may face similar challenges in your near future from other locations around the world.

This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. From our perspective you can expect to see an increase of these in your near timeline.

The method involves connecting to your Celestial Soul, the BA. This action is to connect to the realms of light that are a part of your being.

Everything that exists in your cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic expression of light—even your densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.

In this method you connect to your Celestial Soul, holding the intent and expectation that it will impart to you an energetic that protects and/or heals you. You send this intent to your Celestial Soul with the emotional vibration of appreciation or gratitude.

This is simply the vibrational resonance that activates this higher aspect of your being.

Once you send this intent conjoined with appreciation or gratitude to your BA, you shift your awareness into your heart chakra, receiving the energetic of healing or protection into the heart chakra.

You might experience this energetic as a form of light, or as geometric patterns, or you may feel the sensation of a descent of energy. You may also experience this energetic simply as a thought/feeling.

Once the energetic is received in the heart chakra, it is ready to send.
For this phase you will need some pure water, since water holds this type of information extremely well.

Holding a container of water in your hands, through intent, you send this energy that is in the heart chakra down the arms into the hands and through the chakras that are in the center of each palm. The energetic enters the water through this pathway.

We suggest you amplify this energetic by repeating the procedure three times, for a total of three times—two more times in addition to the first. You then drink the water. The water permeates the water element of your body, and the healing and protective qualities eventually enter every cell.

Through this action you are qualifying light, causing it to descend through the central pathway of your body into your heart and sending it into the water element. The consciousness of the water receives this energetic, and when you drink it, the body receives it.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have been exposed to radioactivity you would engage this procedure as we have described it, qualifying the energy that descends from the BA to protect and heal you from any possibility of radiation poisoning.

If you have other means to protect yourself, you should obviously engage these as well, but even if you are left with nothing but the tools of your own consciousness, you can protect and heal yourself.

If you have been exposed to neurotoxins you would do the same. If you are in the midst of an epidemic that involves bacterial or viral infections, we advise you to do the same.

As you collectively enter more deeply into this more complex and intense phase of the Chaotic Node, bacteria and viruses will mutate faster. This method will allow you to protect and heal yourself from these mutating life forms.

It is important to understand that you are creating the protection and healing through the powers of your own consciousness. You have direct access to your own light realms. You have the sovereign right to engage the light realms on your own behalf and on the behalf of your loved ones.

If you find yourself in one of these difficult situations we have described, we suggest you take the Medicine of Light—which is the water that you have charged—several times a day, as your intuition guides you.

The physical ramifications of the earthquake activity in Japan and the resulting tsunami are very difficult to deal with. But we wish to shift our attention from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual effects created by such a disaster,
Due to the fact that you are in a Chaotic Node and energies from deep space conjoined with solar flare activity are affecting your energy bodies, you, as a collective, are more affected.

What we mean by this is that witnessing the suffering of your fellow humans shatters the heart. There is a recognition that their predicament could easily be yours.

This recognition can create an opening in your heart, and it is through the heart—your heart—that higher states of consciousness are realized, and so the earthquake in Japan is, in many ways, an earthquake of the collective heart.

The times before you are not easy.

From our perspective, increased earth changes are upon you. But one result of such events is that you are shaken to your roots and the mass hypnosis pauses for a moment.

And in such utter and surrealistic devastation, many of you see very clearly that your civilization rests on tenuous grounds. We mean this both literally and figuratively.

And so our advice for this phase of the Chaotic Node is to learn and master the ability to create Medicines of Light for yourself, so that when the time arises, you know how to engage this power of protection and healing that you possess in your very nature.

And we suggest you navigate through these times not only with your minds, but with your hearts—and let your hearts be touched, for it is through your hearts that you will ascend the spiral pathway to your own greatness.”

The Hathors
March 16, 2011

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A Journey along the Pathway to Light
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