I admit that I hadn't listened
to the Piraeus Orthodox Christian Church Channel up to date.
Watching a few of the videos that have already been posted on
Youtube (on this channel), I noticed that whatever I was stating about the moral and economic crisis, with the very first
one becoming the leader on the list , and the second one following is only but true.
Only that I used to talk
about it years ago, so many years ago,
and consequently became the target and ultimately isolated by most of people.
The truth is that we -
first of all - decayed morally and afterwards financially.
is sad to see those who don't hesitate to prey to groveling, pandering, haggling for
a job, a bonus, still continue to betray our values.
Doing so till their last breath by refusing to change nor regret.
Those who have been
eroded will hardly change.
More likely to become even worst, and vehemently hate
those who chose the harsh path, those who never lost their faith and values as
Even the worst scenario, they would envy these descent people, for they would
never on their own consent, and upon their own choice be themselves faithful
and worthy.
The worst; these guys are
encouraged by fervent supporters, who will make sure to compliment and reward
them for their selfish deeds.
they do it out of lack of knowledge or
possibly because of the simultaneous
lack of both that haunts their spirit?
Most of them remain empty
shells for opposing forces like Wilhelm Reich used to call them "organic
that eventually transform into third
party subservient, and so being exploited (by them).
are only a few left to preserve and take care of our spirit and awaken the rest
of humans accepting incredible attacks, and a daily basis war from our fellow human beings.
Those people whom even
today we are trying to help by sending them light and love instead of hater.
the vibrations of love and offer is too much
powerful to awaken them, and instead of awaking cause fear and hater?
all those to whom I offered my hand thus helped them, and bite the hand of
supply have already signed irrevocably the paper of self-dissolution.
a friend of mine told
me “they all have already been banned,
but have not figured it out".
had I experienced it on a daily basis I would
probably not speak a word. But the reality that we live in is the greatest teacher and inspiration for me.
ones who hunt and discredit me are the greatest sources of inspiration for me,
because through them I learned to be
what they will never be.
I learned to be myself.
I learned to be myself.
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