The Municipality of Haidari and the Technosfaira Group-Team of Greek Artist and Cultural Creators organized the 4th Artistic Exhibition entitled "Starring at Greece of Now...".
The Exhibition took place in the amphitheater of the Town Hall of Haidari
A series of events were held along with the Exhibition on Friday 11th May to Tuesday 15th May 2012.
Spiritual author Katerina Kostaki participated in this Exhibition on Sunday 13th May 2012.
Intro: Good evening to all friends. I would like to thank Mrs Tampouri for the honour to ask me to participate in her personal creative efforts ,and all of you who honorably are present in this event.
I would like to read an article of mine which I wrote it 4 years ago,on 21-03-2008 to be exact and it has proved to be prophetic for every day we face up facts and events hardly we could imagine decades ago could happen in our world and in Greece.
The title of this article is "The Sympligades Stones/Clashing Rocks of Greek reality"
Greece has been going through a difficult transitional period, one
of those critical era or intervals, during which has been looking for her
"Identity" among political, economic, social developments
Those critical era resemble the "Simpligades
stones" of evolution, a transition from one state to another, where
everything seems to be from shallow to boring, critical to dangerous, nasty to dark.
It’s an easy transition from one state to another, and
looks like a kind of a "lesson" we- as a nation - should learn.
Among the mass led and carried by various temptations, innumerable
negative influences, people and
situations, still a pure quality , an image of people who’s thirsty for abetter
and yet different state exist.
These people live among us, walking, seeing, judging, and understanding
the facts.
They are ordinary people.
Maybe they keep walking
next to us invisible
and unnoticed, because of their choice
or because conditions have created their
complicated web in which have been trapped in the threads of insecurity, devaluation and
even timid ness.
But still are there, waiting patiently for their turn to talk, react, and create.
Just a little spark ignites a fire.
History has always been inscripted by ordinary people, whom probably we have never acknowledged , but they do exist in us, because history can not be exterminated.
People of modern Greece are tired by the morbidity, corruption and seeking for something "anew", a hopeful change.
This "anew" is not related to political parties, with the outdated social fabric. On the contrary this anew is related to the substance of the events.
Those who insist on colouring changes in our society, simply perpetuate the maintenance, the old way of life, merely because they ultimately depend on this old way of life.
How to justify their existence on the other hand?
The old scene is shattered and no longer fits to the new one prepared to come into surface.
Changes in a society require sacrifices and insight, faith and desire for the best.
As citizens we should look for the quality, the preservation of our culture, the regeneration of our society, unity, love for the ideals, values, our over-crumbled confidence, but also seek for the disappearance of mistrust and arrogance.
We- as a nation- at least love people who are compiling this nation and stop seeing in a ulterior and one –eyed way.
The changes come from within, when people believe in improvement and our evolution.
As a nation if we do not believe in us, it’s difficult for other nations to believe in us.
I consider it of great importance that we should re-evaluate the conditions and actions we have to undertake.
Copyright Katerina Kostaki
By completing the recite of my article, I would like to talk about the cosmic
changes that manifest special events upon
Earth and Greece.
Past decades of the Earth Time were marked by a Call.
The trumpets of the Cosmic Change sounded within darkness mankind was trapped within
over the centuries.
Among the millions of people walking on
the planet only a few heard the Call.
Most people remained busy with the yells of the false self, trapped in their
needs, their artificial desires and primitive passions.
Only a few heard the Call, but nearly all people who listened to it obeyed to the
message defined by the Higher Cosmic Consciousness, the Soul of the Universe.
Among those lucky ones who heard and received instructions was me .
All of us who
participate in this Cosmic Being, remain patient and steady to the proposals and challenges (since the
attacks are not missed at all), and continue to convey Light and the Infinite
Spirit to people who are willing to accept and listen to it.
The struggle of Light against Darkness is relentless and merciless.
The struggle of Light against Darkness is relentless and merciless.
The effort to convey cosmic ideas not
only is difficult to realize, but almost a super feat undertaken in order to
perform ourselves.
It is not difficult for someone to understand that the society within which we live is not acceptable
to new ideas and new data.
New ideas have always been igniting multi-reactions, because of the resistance of
the fields, but also of the mental
implants incorporated into the collective unconscious of Humanity.
To understand the magnitude of this incorporation looking within depth is
needed instead of examining the surface events.
Seek the causes and occasions over time, and descend into the tunnel of human
fears and awe with patience, faith and perseverance.
Those who control mankind and by extension Greece have inserted deep scratches in the human soul, having as a
criterion their lower, selfish
We carry a heavy load within us and forgotten memories from the centuries and were born destined to experience
Darkness upon Earth being switched off our memories, and past lives remembrances.
We forgot that we are holy children of our Creator and that we bear Light.
This is what the Call arrived to remind of, and that was only the beginning.
Today our planet is heading towards Light, but people still see darkness, the
ashes and embers of a world which, alike the Phoenix is burned to reborn from its ashes.
The change will not come in through the superficial, shallow and deliberate
alternation of political figures and movements that do not control the threads
of humanity, but certainly are controlled by sovereign controllers, which only
aim is the fear and control.
This fear and control are the keys to their intergovernmental power over our
While Greeks keep following the beaten track and watch immaturely, myopically
, selfishly and superficially the events, will nurture such actions with their fear.
In the “Greece of the Now”, that’s ravaged by unknown forces and components, only
we can co-create and change the conditions for the better.
We are isolated entities within the
world of the Matrix, but we all together co-create the change in the world
through our inner change.
If anyone is holding the world of people locked up, and systematically abuse
our psychology, we must let our soul
follow the path, rightfully defined for
it .
We should let
our soul breathe, and this only could happen
upwards the only way set up for each human.
The path to Divinity and Spiritual Evolution.
For each person who is willing to change and ascend , Creator's
hand stretches out and draws him towards
All other roads lead to chaos, despair and decay.
Is this the road we truly wish to follow?
It’s your path, your own
Copyright Katerina Kostaki
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